JAMES | Graduate Database


Graduates from JAMES accredited courses are very important to us. JAMES accreditation is a mark of acceptance by our industry that a course fulfils the criteria that industry professionals require for employment either in a full-time or a freelance capacity.

For employers here is a link to the database of graduates. For graduates there are useful resources that including a section on job opportunities within our industries.

DISCLAIMER: All information displayed here is voluntarily supplied by, and at the request of, graduates from JAMES accredited courses. JAMES therefore does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of any included information. Any abuse of this service should be reported to us via this link. Thanks.
name email website institution course work region
James Peter Moffatt jamespetermoffatt@gmail.com http://jamespetermoffatt.com Leeds Beckett University BA Music Production and Performance MA Music for the Moving Image will relocate
Michael Bradburn Lothiam@hotmail.com https://www.instagram.com/quest_theengineer/ University of Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Music Technology 2018 north west
Amy Ho amy.ho994@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-ho-10/ University of Hertfordshire Sound Design Technology will relocate
Anna Shahin anna.shahin@yahoo.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/annashahin/ University of Hertfordshire Audio Recording and Production 2018 london
Arran Simpson arran-simpson@hotmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/arransimpson/ University of Hertfordshire Audio Recording and Production 2018 london
Ray Dani ray.s.dani@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/raydani/ University of Hertfordshire Audio Recording and Production 2018 will relocate
Dewa Sutton danielpurnasutton@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-sutton-935501152/ University of Hertfordshire Music Technology 2018 west midlands
Carlo Di Paola calogero.alessio97@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlo-di-paola-207567165/ University of Hertfordshire Music Technology 2018 london
Matthew Janke matthew.janke@live.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewjanke1996/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Jack Kempton winterbearshark@gmail.com https://uk.linkedin.com/in/kemptonmagician University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 east
Melissa-Jayne Audley up773909@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-audley-139879113 University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Conor Yule up764959@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/conor-yule-34a887113/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Alex Fry alex_fry09@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-fry-24328211b/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 london
Michael Cooper mikecooper94@hotmail.co.uk University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 will relocate
Hannah Wrigley hannah.may.w61@gmail.com http://hannahwrigleyportfolio.weebly.com University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Elle Molera iamellie134@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellemolera/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 london
Intisar Islam intisar7@live.co.uk https://intisarislam.wixsite.com/portfolio University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 london
Robert Simcox robertsimcox93@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-simcox-23444111a/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Hugh Kemp hughkemp.ct@gmail.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/hugh-kemp-62a875113 University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 london
Melissa-Jayne Audley up773909@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-jayne-audley University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 south east
Tom Snell tomsnellrecording@gmail.com http://www.tomsnellrecording.com De Montfort University BSc Audio and Recording Technology 2018 west midlands
Benjamin Brocklebank Benjamin.Brocklebank@aol.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-brocklebank-a2728511b/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology london
Rhys Steward up793562@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/rhys-steward-677045172 University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 london
Joshua Murphy up778009@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-murphy-57157411a/ University of Portsmouth BSc(Hons) Music and Sound Technology 2018 will relocate
Holly Homer hollyhomer80@gmail.com http://linkedin.com/in/holly-homer-75a55b58 Huddersfield University BMus (Hons) Creative Music Technology london
Samuel Harper jamieharper96@gmail.com Huddersfield University BA (Hons) Music Technology london
Brian Bonadona bgbonadona@gmail.com Huddersfield University BA (Hons) Music Technology and Popular Music will relocate
Jay Witsey witseyj@gmail.com Huddersfield University BMus (Hons) Creative Music Technology south east
Daniel Matarov daniel.matarov@gmail.com Huddersfield University BA (Hons) Music Technology will relocate
Daniel Morgan danielmorgan667@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-morgan-4b1b75133 Huddersfield University 2019 BMus (Hons) Creative Music Technology north west
Alex Tune ajtune@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/alex-tune-b08058163/ Huddersfield University 2019 BMus (Hons) Creative Music Technology will relocate
Jappreet Singh Batra jappreet@me.com Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music Technology and Popular Music will relocate
Thomas Bellingham thomasbellingham3@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-bellingham-167603125 Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music and Sound for Image will relocate
Joel James Felix joel.felix96@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-felix-771b7912a Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music Technology will relocate
Jack Zissell jackzissell@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/DatZiss/ Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music Technology and Popular Music london
Jonathan Eckersley jonathan.eckersley97@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-e-9707/ Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music Technology north east
Joseph Sherman josephdsherman1996@gmail.com Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music and Sound for Image west midlands
Jo Kennedy jckenn13@gmail.com https://www.jokennedysound.com Huddersfield University 2019 BMus (Hons) Creative Music Technology north east
Charlie Hulejczuk charliehulejczuk@hotmail.com Huddersfield University 2019 BA (Hons) Music Technology and Popular Music london
Robert Moisuc robertmoisuc@outlook.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-alexandru-moisuc-86a52889/ University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology will relocate
Stian Engeboe UP800442@myport.ac.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/stian-engeboe University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology london
Samuel Cherry sam.cherry27@hotmail.co.uk http://www.sourcherryaudio.com University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology south west
Ioannis Stylianou up824064@myport.ac.uk University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology wales
Josh Stroud up818858@myport.ac.uk University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology london
Harry Salter harry.salter@hotmail.com University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology south west
Jack Dranfield jdranfield@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-dranfield-83374012b University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology will relocate
Dhruv Vatsa dhruvvatsa@outlook.com http://linkedin.com/in/dhruvvatsa University of Portsmouth BSc (Hons) Music and Sound Technology will relocate
Ralfs Plucis plucis.ralfs@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralfsplucis/ University of Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Music Technology, 2018 west midlands
Ross Taylor ross.taylor98@outlook.com https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ivljtnLKzwNdxrf580LM2TdjnQMZtQ73apZ3t58deD4 University of Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Music Technology, 2019 will relocate
Milliscent O'Driscoll m.odriscoll1992@gmail.com University of Wolverhampton BA (Hons) Music Technology, 2019 will relocate
Mateusz Wywrocki matthewsmusicc@gmail.com https://www.mateuszwywrocki.com University of Lincoln BA (Hons) Audio Production 2020 music recording london
Tony Andrews tony@awandrews.com www.awandrews.com UWS BSc Audio 2021 film london
Tony Andrews tony@awandrews.com www.awandrews.com University of Hertfordshire Sound Design Technology 2020 sound design south east
CAMERON GAWN camerongawn@gmail.com HUDDERSFIELD UNIVERSITY BMUS (HONS) POPULAR MUSIC 2021 live sound london
Sun Yan Vienna Sze sunyansze17@hotmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE live sound will relocate
Abbie Howard Abieohoward@gmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2012 film will relocate
Aimee Read A.j.read2000@gmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2012 music composition east midlands
Sun Yan Vienna Sze sunyansze17@hotmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2012 broadcast will relocate
Olivia Clark oliviakathcomposition@gmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2021 music composition will relocate
Joshua Kime ijoshkime@live.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-kime-59a243a6 THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA MUSIC (HONS) TECHNOLOGY AND POPULAR MUSIC 2012 live sound will relocate
Zuowei Zhao zuowei-zhao@qq.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) CREATIVE MUSIC PRODUCTION music recording london
Vega Filippa Engstrom Grahn Filippa-Grahn@hotmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/filippa-grahn-2615b7147 THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BMUS (HONS) POPULAR MUSIC 2012 performance will relocate
Jack Roberts tiz.beetle@yahoo.com https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/in/jack-roberts-28a0b2176 THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC TECHNOLOGY 2021 music recording north west
Joe Parrish Joep703@gmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC TECHNOLOGY AND POPULAR MUSIC 2012 music recording south east
Konstantina Chorianopoulou nadia.choriano@gmail.com www.instagram.com/nadia.choriano THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2012 film will relocate
Joseph Paul Harrison joeh70344@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephharrisonmusic/ THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC AND SOUND FOR IMAGE 2012 live sound north west
Ross Kingham rosskingham@gmail.com THE UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD BA (HONS) MUSIC TECHNOLOGY AND POPULAR MUSIC 2012 live sound will relocate
ABDULRAHMAN ABOUGHADIR Ruhmvn@gmail.com University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production FT music recording south east
BRAD DRANSFIELD braddransfield23@gmail.com University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production 2021 music recording will relocate
SEAN BROWN seanbrown95@hotmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/sean-brown-5b6698199/ University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production 2021 broadcast north west
EARL KEVIN MUGA earl.muga@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/earl-kevin-muga-98b683212/ University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production FT 2021 music recording north west
Jonathan Wells jonwells0905@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-wells-958269200 University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Sandwich + 2022 broadcast will relocate
Takudzwa Karl Chiketa takuchiketa1@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/taku-karl-chiketa-130363192/ University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Full Time + 2022 film will relocate
Faye Larty fkl8@hotmail.co.uk fayelartymusic.wordpress.com University of Huddersfield BA(Hons) Creative Music Production sound design west midlands
Faye Larty fkl8@hotmail.co.uk linkedin.com/in/faye-larty-234397226 University of Huddersfield BA(Hons) Creative Music Production sound design north west
Faye Larty fkl8@hotmail.co.uk fayelartymusic.wordpress.com University of Huddersfield BA(Hons) Creative Music Production sound design will relocate
Barbod Nekoufar barbodnekoufar@gmail.com University of Huddersfield BMus(Hons) Popular Music film east midlands
Barbod Nekoufar barbodnekoufar@gmail.com University of Huddersfield BMus (Hons) Popular Music film will relocate
Yunus Patel yunuszinabhai@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/yunus-patel-787a1024 University of Huddersfield BA(Hons) Music and Sound for Image film north west
Aikaterini Soulioti katherinesoul01@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherine-soulioti-62b62b1aa?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_profile_view_base_contact_details%3BxTf2s8UjTwuSWsOPsmr82g%3D%3D University of Huddersfield BMus (Hons) Popular Music music business will relocate
Martynas Kazlauskas egosumdot.productions@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/martinkazlau Glasgow Caledonian University BSc(Hons) Audio Technology / 2022 gaming will relocate
Kornelijus Rucinskas rucinskas.k@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/kornelijus-rucinskas/ University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Full-Time music recording will relocate
Petrea Tudor petrea.tudor@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/tudor-petrea-123037197/ University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Full-Time sound design will relocate
Jack Kilgannon jackill01@hotmail.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-kilgannon-874764202 University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Sandwich live sound will relocate
Milan Manoj Milanmanoj1711@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/milan-manoj-19b006199 University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Sandwich music recording will relocate
Cameron Shadbolt camshad03@icloud.com University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Sandwich broadcast will relocate
Aldas Belickas aldasbelickas@gmail.com https://aldasbelickas.wixsite.com/aldasbelickas University of Huddersfield BSc Sound Engineering and Music Production Full Time music recording north west
Matthew Smart matthew.smart2001@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-smart-661617280/ University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 sound design will relocate
Katie Cranmer-Gordon katiecranmergordon@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/katie-cranmer-gordon-949a84242/ University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 sound design south east
Rebecca Emmett rebecca_emmett@yahoo.co.uk https://rebeccaemmett1.wixsite.com/musicandsound University of Huddersfield BA Music and Sound for Image 2023 film london
Charlie Turnbull CRTurnbull@outlook.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/crturnbull University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 live sound east
charlie turnbull CRTurnbull@outlook.com Www.crtsound.com University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 live sound east midlands
Teodoras Balciauskis teodorixas@gmail.com https://linktr.ee/seodophy University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 film will relocate
Roman Dance prodbyromannn@gmail.com https://prodbyroman.co.uk/ University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production music composition will relocate
Edmund Corbluth edmund.corbluth@gmail.com edmundcorbluth.com University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 music composition will relocate
Fin Farmer 13finfarmer@gmail.com University of Huddersfield BA Creative Music Production 2023 music composition will relocate
Oliver Leslie Upfield oliver.upfield@icloud.com www.linkedin.com/in/oliver-upfield-93833b314 University of Huddersfield BSc Sound & Music Production FT route 2024 music recording will relocate
Jacob Pickering jacobbpickering@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-pickering-9b06b231a University of Huddersfield BSc Sound & Music Production SW route 2024 live sound will relocate

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